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Mar 22, 2022

Another successful year in the Europe rankings of Chambers and Partners for Georgiev, Todorov & Co.

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Georgiev, Todorov & Co. has been recognized in the Chambers Europe rankings for 2022 in the field of Competition & Antitrust.

Another great success for the team is the improvement of the ranking in Tax, climbing to Band 2.

The expertise and successful results of the law firm have also be recognized in the Dispute ResolutionEnergy and TMT fields.  In addition, 5 of our lawyers are recognized as leaders in Bulgaria in several sectors by Chambers Europe.

Our managing partner Ivan Todorov is an Eminent Practitioner at Dispute Resolution for a consecutive year.

Alexander Pachamanov is a leader at the TMT field and ranked in Band 1.

Our partner Miglena Peneva is also recognized for a consecutive year at Real Estate.

Georgi Kostolov has improved his personal ranking in the Tax field to Band 2.

Mariya Derelieva and Tsvetelina Dimitrova are both “Up and Coming” lawyers in the fired of Dispute Resolution.